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Laboratory investigations

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TILIA LABORATORIES offers molecular genetic testing for veterinary and human molecular microbiology (identification of causative agents of infectious diseases in animals, humans and overlapping zoonotic diseases), molecular genetics (identification of mutations associated with genetic syndromes and inherited genetic diseases, both in animals and humans), and the genetic identification of individuals using their unique STR profiles.


Our partners

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Dear Colleagues, Dear clients,
here you can find the growing list of veterinary clinics and ZOOs we actively collaborate with.



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Dear Colleagues, Dear clients,
here you can find the growing list of veterinary clinics and ZOOs we actively collaborate with.




Tilia Laboratories

The Tilia Laboratories lab combines the idea of an equal diagnostic and intellectual approach to human and animal health, both in human and veterinary molecular genetics and molecular microbiology projects.

The combination of a veterinary and a human diagnostic perspective, which we decided to pursue a few years ago, has enabled us to better understand the integrity of animals in the human world and the integrity of the animals in the world of humans.

In the field of molecular genetics, we see many overlaps between inherited genetic syndromes of humans and animals, many similarities, general principles, and inspiration in the search for causal genetic changes / mutations in the index individuals and their relatives.

In the field of molecular microbiology, we have understood that no one can be excluded from the complex ecosystem in which they live, and that there is a need for deep insight into challenging situations where a patient (whether animal or human), troubled by an unsuccessful search for an infectious agent, or in an acute emergency, seeks help. Here, molecular microbiology brings invaluable benefit and diagnostic capabilities.

Diagnostic work, both in the human and veterinary field, is also a source of great scientific inspiration for us, where we try to investigate interesting inputs further, within our research projects focused on both pillars of our activity - molecular genetics and molecular microbiology. Over the years, we have accumulated a significant amount of scientific work published in international impacted journals (, while the source of all our new ideas and discoveries has invariably been the authentic sample, of human or animal origin, coming to the lab for the diagnostics of a complicated or unusual, clinical situation.

Many years of experience in the industry also enable us to keep developing and updating our laboratory's diagnostic portfolio to reflect the requirements of clinical doctors in the diagnostic segment we have been working in for more than 20 years.

Since we feel that our work brings a lot of information that we want to share with you and also learn from you, we decided to incorporate an educational part into our activities and invite you regularly to lectures and educative meetings on selected topics or issues that might be of special interest for you. In the section "Lectures and Educational Events" you can find the program of lectures and meetings we have prepared for you.

We look forward to working with you, to solving diagnostic "nuts", taking care of your health and health of your pets, and to our regular meetings in the new premises of our laboratory in Pchery, 15 minutes by highway from Prague, direction Chomutov, Slany. There are comfortable parking spaces in front of the laboratory for your disposal, ample space for your four-legged pets in the fields above the village and the quiet location outside of Prague to absorb stimulating ideas during our regular educational events to which you are most heartily invited.

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